The Elephant In The Room. Why Don’t Businesses Use Collection Agencies for Medical Bills?

Businesses Avoid Collection Agencies because they don’t think they will receive receivables recovery without harming their business reputation or customer relations How is Empathetic Debt Collection at Beyond Green Solutions Different? 1. Balance between recovering receivables & maintaining your brand 2. Nurse-Owned & Operated. We value our relationships in […]
What is Empathetic Collections?

What is Empathetic Debt Collections? 1. Our Clients: Businesses need help without harm. 2. Your Consumers: Those who owe money need engagement using empathy.
Why aren’t my customers paying? Am I doing something wrong?

What technique works to encourage past due customers to pay? Are your methods being ignored? You’re not alone! Hear about the common problems businesses face. Why aren’t my customers paying? Am I doing something wrong? 1. Being Ignored. Sending phone calls, letters, emails with no communication. 2. Too Busy. Unable to reach […]
Pathos Ethos and Logos Part III: Using Your Logos To Collect Past Dues

In this three part series, we discuss what logos pathos and ethos is and how to effectively use this to recover payments on past due invoices. In this blog, we will cover how to best utilize your logos. Read Part I on Ethos and Part II on Pathos. Maybe it’s time to up your LOGOS! […]
Pathos Ethos & Logos Part II: Using Your Pathos To Collect Past Dues

In part I of this series, we discuss the importance of using ethos in your collections process. Have you provided a good or service to a customer who is now slow to pay? Are your outreaches of additional invoices, phone calls, and more proving unfruitful? Maybe it’s time to up your PATHOS! What is Pathos? […]
Pathos Ethos and Logos Part I: Using Your Ethos To Collect Past Due Invoices

In this three part series, we discuss pathos, ethos and logos and how to effectively use this to recover payments on past due invoices. In this blog, we will cover how to best utilize your ethos. Read Part II on Pathos and Part III on Logos here. Maybe it’s time to up your ETHOS! What […]
Invoice Payment Outsourcing: Why Should You Outsource Past Due Follow Up?

Functional sourcing is a common practice in start-ups and established businesses. Functional sourcing “is the contracted agreement to conduct specific individual job roles by an organization for another organization” (Functional sourcing – Wikipedia). Functional Sourcing Benefits Functional sourcing allows your business to: It can also prevent you from cobbling piece-meal responsibilities into one position where […]
How do I get paid after a Charge-back?

A charge-back is a credit card payment reversal from a retailer to the credit card company. Charge-backs typically occur when an item is returned, or a fraudulent or disputed transaction occurs. But what happens when the business believes they are owed the funds for the good or service (i.e. not returned and not fraudulent)? How […]
Accounts Receivable Collection Techniques for Non Profit Organizations

Can non profits use a collection agency? The short answer? Yes. Nonprofits cannot support their mission, vision, and goals to help others without payment for services. Although promise-to-donate patrons who do not follow through are not in a legally-binding commitment, those who are given something in return for their money are. Examples may include event […]
How to Hire a Collection Agency – 5 Things to Look For

Want to ensure your business’ reputation is not tarnished by misaligning with the wrong debt collection agency? Here are a five quick tips to weed out the weeds! Review the list below to help you hire a reputable collection agency. How to Hire a Collection Agency – 5 Things to Evaluate Aligning with businesses that […]